Output Number
Approval Date
Kimberly Seaplanes
Published Date Time
Recommendation type
Date released

Safety issue

The company operations manual provided limited guidance to
assist pilots in their weather-related decision-making during the
preparation for, and conduct of flights.

Operator comment

During the investigation and its consideration of the draft
report, the operator indicated that it would consider the
development of procedures that would support pilots'
weather-related decision-making during the preparation for, and
conduct of flights. The indication was that that guidance would be
included in its operator's operations manual.

ATSB comment

The ATSB made a number of attempts to obtain confirmation of any
safety action taken by the operator in response to this safety
issue. However, due to circumstances beyond the operator's control,
the operator has, as yet, been unable to respond.

This investigation report could be expected to prove relevant to
a number of other operators and to pilots in general. That
relevance is timely, given the approach of winter and the
accompanying weather patterns in a large part of Australia. On that
basis, it was decided to progress the release of the final report
to the public, rather than delaying the release pending the
operator's input.

A safety risk analysis was carried out by the ATSB and, on that
basis, it was determined that safety action would be sought by the
operator via the following safety recommendation.

Safety Recommendation

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that the
operator address this safety issue.

ATSB assessment of response/action

Despite a number of unsuccessful attempts over an extended
period of time to contact the operator, the ATSB has been unable to
confirm any safety action taken by the operator in response to this
safety issue. On that basis, and given the intervening time since
the issue of the recommendation, the recommendation has been closed
- no action.