The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that
Airservices Australia perform a task analysis to determine what
tasks electrical technical officers carry out. From this task
analysis, role clarification should be developed.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that
Airservices Australia perform a task analysis to determine what
tasks electrical technical officers carry out. From this task
analysis, role clarification should be developed.
The required maintenance tasks are defined in Airways
Engineering Instructions and individual staff roles and tasks are
defined in procedures and job descriptions. A preliminary analysis
of tasks is in progress, the results of which will determine if
Airways Engineering Instructions need further change. Changes where
identified will be implemented.
Director Safety and Environment Assurance
A task analysis was completed in June 2000. Recommendations
deriving from that analysis cover procedures, Techcert, training
and impact on ATM:
a. Procedures. That the TAAATS Power system manager consider
modifying AEI-3.4090 and 3.4091 to a format similar to AEI 3.4088
and all new switching AEls follow that same format.
b. TechCert. The ISS Technical Support Manager consider the
inclusion of prerequisite training in the competency criteria of
ISS: F061-Power Systems - Sydney TAAATS. The ISS Technical Support
Manager also review the need for TechCert assessment on small
network based systems such as MDPDS and CATIS.
c. Training. That the Sydney Maintenance Services Manager consider
re-familiarisation training for staff who have limited exposure to
complex systems and also evaluate the requirement to conduct
overview training for Sydney Services staff on other NAS systems
that interact with systems maintained by them, ie VSCMS and
d. Impact of maintenance activities on ATM. That the Sydney
Maintenance Services Manager consider awareness training for MS
staff on the consequences for ATC in the event of single, or
multiple, NAS facility outages.
Completion of the above actions is scheduled for 30/12/2001
ATSB Note: The above actions were completed by 22 March 2002.