Investigation number
Occurrence date
East Melbourne
Report release date
Report status
Investigation level
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation phase
Final report: Internal review
Investigation status
Highest injury level
Anticipated completion

On the morning of 20 September 2023, inbound tram 6062 on route 96 was travelling south along Nicholson Street, East Melbourne towards the Victoria Parade intersection. At the same time outbound tram 6058, also on route 96, was travelling north on Nicholson Street and approached the same intersection.

At about 0952, tram 6058 followed the track, set for the right turn into Victoria Parade instead of continuing straight along Nicholson Street. As a result, the front end of tram 6058 collided with the front end of the oncoming tram 6062.

The driver of Tram 6062 and 5 passengers sustained minor injuries. Both trams derailed and sustained significant damage.

Victoria's Chief Investigator Transport Safety is conducting the investigation under the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 (Cth), under a collaboration agreement with the ATSB.

A preliminary report into the incident was published on the ATSB website on 22 December 2023.

The final report has been drafted and is undergoing internal review to ensure the report adequately and accurately reflects the evidence collected, analysis, and agreed findings.

Last Updated
Train Details
Train number
Tram 6058
Train damage
Rail occurrence category
Rail Operator
Yarra Trams
Train Details
Train number
Tram 6062
Train damage
Rail occurrence category
Rail Operator
Yarra Trams