After departing Brisbane en-route to Singapore, the crew of the
Boeing 777-212ER aircraft heard and felt two thumps through the
airframe and noticed a severe vibration indication of the right
engine. The vibration subsided before re-occurring moments later
with an increase in the engine's exhaust gas temperature also
indicated. The crew conducted an in-flight engine shutdown and
requested Air Traffic Control clearance to divert to Darwin where
an uneventful single-engine landing was carried out.
An inspection conducted by ground engineers at Darwin found a
stage-1, variable stator vane (VSV) control lever broken on the
right engine. A boroscope inspection of the engine interior was
then carried out with a number of compressor blades found damaged.
The engine was removed from the aircraft and sent to an overhaul
facility for disassembly and evaluation.
Engine description
The Rolls-Royce Trent 800, was a triple spool turbofan engine.
Its construction consisted of a single-stage low pressure fan
connected to a five-stage low pressure turbine. An eight-stage
intermediate pressure compressor (IPC) connected to a single stage
intermediate pressure turbine and a six-stage high pressure
compressor (HPC) connected to a single-stage high pressure turbine
(see fig 1).
To maintain maximum efficiency during all power settings, the
airflow through the engine needed to be controlled to prevent
stalling or surging. This was achieved by a single stage of
variable inlet guide vanes installed between the fan and the first
stage of the IPC and two stages of variable stator vanes, VSV stage
1 and VSV stage 2 (VSV-1 and VSV-2) installed between IPC stages,
one/two and two/three respectively. Each Variable Stator Vane was
attached to a lever that transferred the linear input from the
controlling actuators and unison rings to a rotational movement of
the vane (see fig 2). These levers consisted of an arm and
connecting pin (see fig 3).
During engine start, these vanes would have been in their most
closed position with internal engine bleed valves open. As the
power was increased, the bleed valves would close and the vanes
move toward their full open position allowing optimum airflow
through the engine.
Post incident engine inspection
Prior to disassembly, the engine's exterior was inspected with
the broken VSV-1 lever identified as being in the number-28
position. No evidence was observed of bird impact or other external
defects. Rigging and clearance checks of the VSV control system
were carried out with no anomalies found. The remaining VSV-1 and
VSV-2 levers were then removed and crack tested using a dye
penetrant inspection. No evidence of cracking was found on any of
those levers.
After separating the engine-to-modular level, the IPC and HPC
modules were completely disassembled for a detailed inspection.
IPC inspection
Removal of the IPC casing revealed six stage-2 blades displaying
soft body impact damage
1 resulting in bending of the blades. On two of those
blades the corners had also detached. Three other blades displayed
hard body impact damage
2 with cuts and nicks (small cuts) on their surfaces. Two
blades with minor nicks were found in stage 3, with only one blade
in stage 5 showing nick damage. All of the stage-8 blades displayed
hard body impact damage on their trailing edges, a few blades also
having nicks on their leading edges. There was no evidence of
damage to the disc material adjacent to the blade roots on any of
the eight stages.
The IPC case lining was examined with only minor damage evident.
The number-28 VSV 1 vane, had a wear mark on the leading edge lower
corner with a noticeable worn stepped area on its horizontal
surface above its base. The adjacent number-29 vane had a contact
mark at a point mid span on the vane and one on its base. The
remaining VSV-1 and all the VSV-2 vanes were found to be undamaged.
Dark deposits were evident around the base of each VSV. These
deposits formed a black ringed area around all except for the
number-28 vane where the mark was crescent shaped.
When the number-28 and 29 vanes were positioned so that the wear
marks on both vanes aligned, the number-29 vane was found to be in
its normal full open position while the number-28 vane was noted as
sitting beyond its normal closed position. The dark crescent area
around the base of the number-28 vane also coincided with the angle
of the vane's root. When the number-29 vane was moved to the closed
position it was seen to nudge the number-28 vane up towards its
normal closed position.
1 Having been
impacted by an object made from a softer material than the blade
2 Having been
impacted by an object made from the same or harder material than
the blade itself.
Failed VSV-1 lever
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), conducted a
metallurgical examination of the failed number-28, VSV-1 lever (see
fig 3). The examination found that:
'The lever had fractured transversely through the end of the arm
section, at a location coincident with the riveted connection to
the actuator pin. The fracture path followed a uniform arc,
extending from one side of the arm to the opposite and intersecting
the pin connection at the centre. A prominent track mark had
developed on the underside of the arm where the relative movement
between the separated arm and the pin flange had produced
appreciable wear. On close inspection, the fracture path appeared
to intersect the bore of the rivet hole with a slight upward
'dishing' of the arm section beneath the rivet head'.
The examination also determined that:
'During riveting, the expansion of the rivet shaft could induce
tensile stresses within the bore of the rivet hole if the diameter
was insufficient to allow for the expansion. Tensile stresses of
this nature would be expected to predispose the lever arm to the
initiation and propagation of fatigue cracking'.
The examination of a further four VSV-1 levers was conducted,
with welding and partial fusion between the lever and connecting
pin evident, and varying degrees of cracking also evident on all
four levers. For the full technical report refer to attachment
A further investigation by the engine manufacturer, identified
the presence of a double-sided chamfer to the lever holes on a
small number of levers. This removal of material during the lever
manufacture may have led to the overheating and partial welding of
the lever material during the rivet forming.
HPC inspection
In the HPC, all of the stage-1 blades displayed severe hard body
impact damage with one blade found to have failed, detaching above
the blade root. Stages 2 to 6 showed hard body impact damage to
varying degrees on all the blades.
Close examination of the failed HPC stage-1 blade, found a
chipped area in the leading edge, with the fracture surface
revealing a number of crack progression marks indicating that the
failure was progressive over a number of cycles and not
instantaneous. The exact number of cycles required to fail the
blade could not be determined (see fig 4).
Engine history
The engine commenced service in December 1998 and had completed
a total of 8923 hours and 2373 cycles at the time of this incident.
Its service history showed that on 8 April 2001, a routine
boroscope inspection detected damage to a number of IPC stage 2
blades in the form of bending and curling to their tips. This
damage was assessed to be within the manufacturer's allowable
limits so the engine remained in service. On 17 October 2001, a
substantial shift in the turbine gas temperature (TGT) was detected
giving a warning that the engine's efficiency had deteriorated
significantly. A boroscope inspection was carried out on the engine
with only the previously recorded IPC stage-2 bent blade damage
found. No other damage was observed on the engine. Checks of the
air system, engine bleed air and monitoring systems were carried
out, however the reason for the TGT shift could not be
Previous VSV lever failures
Although the manufacturer had not experienced previous failures
of VSV-1 levers, failures of VSV-2 levers had been recorded on two
separate occasion. On those occasions the connecting pin's had
fretted through the body of the lever due to inadequate riveting
during the manufacturing process. The result of the levers failing
was the closure of their associated variable stator vanes, which
created a disruption to the airflow behind them. The vibration
subsequently experienced by the blades passing the area resulted in
fragments of disc material breaking off and migrating through the
engine, damaging blades further down stream. These failures were
indicated by a progressive increase in the engine's TGT over
periods of 2 to 4 weeks.
The manufacturer issued a service bulletin, RB211-72-D516 to all
operators recommending an inspection of, 'the six VSV-1 and VSV-2
levers either side of the actuating mechanism control rod
connection, for significant relative movement between the lever and
connecting pin'.