In June 2006, the ATSB released an aviation research
investigation report titled Wire-strike Accidents in General
Aviation: Data Analysis 1994 to 2004. Since the publication of this
report the ATSB has received additional information from key
industry stakeholders. As a result, the ATSB has made some
revisions to the report to incorporate this advice.

Furthermore, a discrepancy was also identified in one of the
tables, which has since been updated. Accordingly, the information
contained in the report may differ slightly from that contained in
the initial report.

Wire strikes are a significant safety concern for the aviation
industry, in particular, the general aviation sector. Wire strikes
may result in fatalities and/or the destruction of an aircraft.
This report analyses the characteristics of wire-strike occurrences
in the general aviation sector using accident and incident data
collected by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. The analysis
found that 119 wire-strike accidents and 98 wire-strike incidents
were reported between 1994 and 2004. The rate of wire-strike
accidents reported per 100,000 hours flown ranged from around 0.9
in 1997 and 1998 to 0.1 in 2003. The figures suggested a downward
trend beginning in 1998, with a return to previous accident rates
in 2004. Reported wire-strike accidents were primarily in three of
the statistical groups used by the Australian Transport Safety
Bureau for investigative purposes - aerial agriculture, other
aerial work, and private/business. The majority of wire-strike
accidents were associated with aerial agriculture operations (62
per cent) followed by other aerial work (20 per cent), and
private/business operations (15 per cent). The findings reinforce
the clear danger to pilots flying at low level in the vicinity of
powerlines and the need to be proactive in reducing the risks
associated with such, including the implementation of risk
management plans, thorough pre-flight planning and preparation,
ongoing training, the use of powerline markers, and due diligence
and care.

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