ATSB supplements
- R22 drive belt concerns
- Pilot unknowingly affected by hypoxia
- Starved and exhausted
- Investigation briefs
- Non towered aerodromes an on-going concern
- REPCON briefs
- Download ATSB supplement (January-February 2012) [
PDF: 1.3MB]
- Rare software glitch causes sudden pitch down
- Buckle up
- Potentially catastrophic data error
- Poor fuel management remains a safety risk - Is there enough left in the tank?
- Your notification improves safety, saves lives
- Investigation briefs
- REPCON briefs
- Download ATSB supplement (March-April 2012) [
- Transport safety in plain English
- ATSB eyes air traffic incidents
- A tragic accident reflects the need for change
- AirAsia X takes action to improve safety
- The dangerous consequences of an incorrect data entry
- R44 operators urged to change fuel tanks
- Avoidable Accidents
- REPCON briefs
- Download ATSB supplement (May-June 2012) [
PDF: 2.9MB]
- How safe is Australian aviation?
- General aviation: Continuing safety concern
- If in doubt, don't take-off
- The success of the system
- Proposed changes to reporting requirements
- Night flying-make sure you're qualified
- Wirestrikes go unreported
- When wildlife strike
- REPCON briefs
- Download ATSB supplement (July-August 2012) [
PDF: 3.1MB]
- Our plan for the year
- Somatogravic illusion warning for pilots
- Bulletin highlights safety lessons
- Prepare to live
- Help keep aviation safe
- Aviation groups collaborate to improve safety
- 30 years of safer aviation
- REPCON briefs
- Download ATSB supplement (September-October 2012) [
PDF: 1.1MB]
- The dangers of dust devils
- Ditching highlights the need for good flight planning and monitoring
- The continuing risk of pilot distraction
- Flight Crew Licence Information
- Corrosion leads to R44 helicopter main rotor drive loss
- When good weather goes bad
- REPCON briefs
- Download ATSB supplement (November-December 2012) [
PDF: 1.7MB]