Safety controls for a train arriving at Ballarat at excessive speed
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Rail: Passenger - regional
Issue Owner
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Safety controls were ineffective in mitigating against a train arriving at Ballarat Railway Station travelling at excessive speed and being unable to stop before colliding with the crossing gates closed against rail traffic.

Issue Status Justification

The ATSB is satisfied that the action taken by V/Line has reduced the risk of this safety issue.

Proactive action
Action number
Action Status
Action description

V/Line advised the ATSB of the following interim safety actions:

  • A train speed restriction of 80 km/h (reduced from 160 km/h) has been introduced on the approach to Ballarat Railway Station.
  • The Lydiard Street North level crossing has been fitted with active crossing protection including boom barriers, flashing lights and bells.
  • Speed monitoring has been installed at the Humffray Street level crossing. The Lydiard Street North level crossing protection is initiated when a train is travelling above the design threshold.

The ATSB is aware that at time of publishing there remained ongoing dialogue with stakeholders regarding the level crossing configuration. While the described interim safety actions taken by V/Line close this safety issue, any subsequent changes and controls reside with the rail operator.