Helicopter operations checklist
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
Closed – Adequately addressed
Transport Function
Marine: Shipboard operations
Issue Owner
Taiwan Navigation Co Ltd
Mode of Transport
Issue finalisation date
Safety Issue Description

An earlier version of the helicopter operations checklist was used by the crew of the Tai Keystone. That checklist did not include a requirement, present in the version current at the time of the incident, to remove handrails or stanchions from the helicopter landing site. 

Issue Status Justification

Taiwan Navigation Co. Ltd. have updated their helicopter/ship operations safety checklist. The checklist now includes the following checklist item: The side rails and, where necessary, awnings, stanchions and other obstructions has been lowered or removed.

Proactive action
Action number
Taiwan Navigation Co Ltd
Action Status
Action description

In the previous checklist version, it was understood that ‘loose objects within and adjacent to the operating area’ included stanchions. However, the decision regarding whether they needed to be removed or secured was left to the discretion of the on-site crew, helicopter pilot, or related personnel.

In order to enhance safety measures and emphasise precautionary measures in the updated version of the helicopter/ship operations guide, the appropriateness of this procedure was re‑evaluated at the time of the incident. Consequently, objects such as stanchions have been specifically addressed in the updated version.

They also advised in future, the marine publisher will provide updates regarding the International Chamber of Shipping guide and other references, this will provide the latest publication list to the fleet.