REPCON number
Date reported
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Affected operation/industry
Concern summary

Concern regarding the current fatigue management at [operator] 

Reporter's deidentified concern

[Operator] is not producing live-run fatigue scores with indicator tools such as FAID scores being abandoned. As a result, roster amendments are being generated that do not consider actual fatigue risk levels. This practice has seen the effects of fatigue compounded with multiple back-to-back operations. Acknowledging that individuals can report fatigue, the reporter feels that crews are being pressured to continue to avoid the expected delays a stand-down would incur.

Named party's response

The [operator] advised the ATSB that the FAID fatigue management system and subsequent process is currently utilised in accordance with their fatigue management procedures. Any alterations to the roster are run through the FAID fatigue management system to ensure fatigue compliance.

Drivers are responsible for managing their own fatigue and are provided with the relevant training and qualifications to do so as part of their train driving certification and ongoing training. No reports of fatigue on the named back-to-back operations have been communicated to management.

Regulator's response

A regulatory activity with fatigue management within scope, is being planned to be conducted on the operator as part of the ONRSR 2021/22 National Work Program.