REPCON number
Date reported
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Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Concern summary

Safety concern regarding procedures for passengers on mobile phones.

Reporter's deidentified concern

The reporter advised that a passenger took a call and was talking on their phone just prior to the departure of a flight on which they were a passenger. The reporter attempted to bring this to the attention of the cabin crew who indicated that they would deal with the situation after take-off. In discussions with the cabin crew later, the cabin crew identified not wanting to delay the departure of the aircraft as the reason they did not intervene to ensure the passenger was not using their phone immediately prior to take-off. The reporter was concerned that this indicated a poor culture among staff, who were prioritising on time performance over safety.

Named party's response

The operator has advised there is a procedure in place for cabin crew to use a specific PA to advise the cockpit that the cabin is not ready in these circumstances. The operator has reminded cabin crew of this procedure.

Regulator's response

The ATSB did not seek a response from the regulator.