REPCON number
Date reported
Published date
Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Concern summary

The concern related to a passenger not receiving a safety brief in relation to an infant they were carrying.

Reporter's deidentified concern

The reporter advised that on a recent return trip with an infant, on a [operator] aircraft, they did not receive a specific briefing from a cabin crew member on the use of the infant restraint or any emergency procedures relating to the carriage of an infant.

Reporter comment: Fortunately, I am aware of how to use an infant seatbelt but am shocked that other passengers may not know the importance of correctly fitting an infant seatbelt and the damage it could do if even in bad turbulence, let alone oxygen or evacuation procedures with a child.

Named party's response

We train our cabin crew to provide customers with a safe and comfortable travel experience, with safety at the core of everything we do.

In order to ensure all customers are aware of the safety features and procedures relating to each aircraft type we operate, they are briefed on the following:

  • Oxygen mask use – The use of oxygen, should it be required, is outlined in the passenger safety demonstration, outlining what to do should you be travelling with children/infants.
  • Brace Position – The brace position applicable to all passengers is shown on the safety card along with the specific position for guardians nursing infants.
  • The exits to be used in an emergency – These are outlined during the passenger safety demonstration and are applicable to all passengers.
  • Seatbelts – Staff training includes the distribution of infant seatbelts during boarding and providing customers with instruction on their use. The correct fitment is checked, along with other safety related items, before the crew takes their seat for landing.
  • Life Jackets – General instructions are provided on the use of customer lifejackets during the passenger safety demonstration and the instructions for Infant life jackets are contained on the safety card.

In acknowledgement of this report and after a safety review of our current processes, we have decided to further enhance safety and improve the briefing of passengers traveling with infants.

We are currently implementing a procedure to brief guardians, which will include information on:

  • the use of the infant seatbelt in normal operations and in an emergency
  • when the infant seatbelt is required to be used
  • the distribution and fitment of life jackets in an emergency.

This enhancement of the briefing, with respect to the safe carriage of infants, is aimed to improve upon the already high standards of safety afforded to our youngest customers.

Regulator's response

CASA has reviewed the REPCON and is satisfied with the operator’s response.