REPCON number
Date reported
Published date
Affected operation/industry
Concern summary

The concern related to the provision of the latest edition of the Operations Manual in a format that had not been approved for use by CASA.

Reporter's deidentified concern

The reporter expressed a safety concern related to the provision of the latest edition of the [operator’s] Operations Manual.

The reporter advised that flight crew have been provided with a USB stick with the Operations Manual in a series of PDF documents. To obtain a hard copy of the manual they have to print the document personally and the document is marked with an ‘Uncontrolled if Printed Matter’ watermark.

The reporter advised that the Operations Manual Volume 2A A1.3 ‘Documents to be carried on all flights’ states that ‘items .... may be held electronically if an Electronic Flight Bag process is approved by this manual.’  Currently, an electronic flight bag process is not approved for the company.

Flight crew are required to operate without the latest edition of the Operations Manual in a CASA approved format.

Named party's response

The company have decided to issue the Operations Manual in electronic form on a USB device to the pilots.

There is no Legislative requirement to carry a hard copy of the Operations Manual in the aircraft, however there was a company requirement for this.

Unfortunately, the USB device was issued to the pilots prior to an Operations Manual change taking effect.

This has been rectified and the following notices issued to Pilots,

  1. Explanation email to the pilot body
  2. Internal Company Notice effecting the change to the Operations Manual

The change has gone to our Safety and Quality department to assess the risks and mitigations put in place.


Regulator's response

CASA has reviewed the REPCON with the operator and is satisfied with their response.