REPCON number
Date reported
Published date
Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Concern summary

The concern related to the reluctance by authorities to allocate a danger area to Jurien Bay despite intense parachute operations in the area

Reporter's deidentified concern

The reporter expressed a safety concern in relation to the intense parachuting operations at Jurien Bay, WA which are not identified in ERSA.

The reporter advised that although there is a parachute operations symbol on the Perth Visual Navigation Chart (VNC), this does not indicate that the parachute operations are intense.

The reporter comment: Advice should be given to pilots, in ERSA, that this is a seven day a week operation, operating up to FL 150, and a danger area should be marked on the applicable maps.

Named party's response

Airservices Australia (Airservices) appreciates the opportunity to review the reported concern regarding the intense parachuting operations at Jurien Bay.

Airservices would like to advise that the ERSA for Jurien Bay was updated on 28 May 2015 Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) date to notify industry of the intense parachuting operations at Jurien Bay. The changes were initiated by the skydive company.

Airservices also notes that a danger area has been proposed to address the reported intense parachuting operations and CASA has commenced related industry consultation in March 2015.

Regulator's response

CASA has reviewed the REPCON and I am advised that the skydiving operator requested a Danger Area in 2013. CASA made a comparison with other skydiving locations and similar sized skydiving activities do not operate in Danger Areas. The establishment of a Danger Area was not supported by CASA at that time. There are safeguards in place to ensure that a parachutist does not exit a jump aircraft without an all clear being given and other control measures in place as approved by CASA. The requirement for the establishment of a Danger Area is not considered warranted.

If all the procedures as laid out in the relevant Australian Parachuting Federation manuals are adhered to, and pilots exercise their normal due diligence and safety lookout, there would be no additional risk to airspace users in the Jurien Bay area than are encountered in other parts of Australia where parachuting occurs on a daily basis and which have a much higher traffic volume to contend with.

ATSB comment

REPCON contacted CASA to clarify if the unique situation at Jurien Bay had been taken into consideration, and to clarify, as reported by Airservices Australia, if new consultations had taken place.

CASA have advised that the establishment of a Danger Area at Jurien Bay is not supported.