CASA does not agree with this Recommendation as it considers
that there is sufficient guidance on fuel management currently
available. A rule, stipulating in which tank fuel should be
located, would be overly prescriptive.
CASA is in the process of developing new General Operating and
Flight Rules (GOFR) which will be contained in proposed CASR Part
91. CASA published Notice of Proposed Rule Making NPRM 0101OS on 17
September 2001 which relates to GOFR. The NPRM included a draft
Rule 91.375 which states:
"(1) Before an aircraft commences a flight, the pilot in command of
the aircraft must plan the flight in such a way as to ensure that
enough fuel will remain in the aircraft's tanks after landing to
allow it to fly for at least 30 minutes (or for rotorcraft, 20
minutes) at normal cruise power under ISA conditions at 1500 feet
above the place of intended arrival".
In responses to the NPRM, no person commented that the rules should
go beyond this and stipulate which tanks should contain the fuel on
landing. Civil Aviation Advisory Publication CAAP 234-1(0) provides
advice on fuel management. In addition, operators are required to
detail in their Operations Manuals how fuel will be managed during