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The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority consider revising Civil Aviation Safety
Authority Safety Aircraft Surveillance Report 604 form to require a
response date for acquittal of discrepancies.

Organisation Response
Date Received
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Response Text

In relation to recommendation R20010015:

The ASR (Aircraft Survey Report) can be assigned either Code A, B
or C.

Code A identifies a defect or damage to the aircraft, and requires
that maintenance to rectify the defect or damage must be carried
out before further flight. This acquittal requirement is very
specific in relation to the aircraft operational requirements.
However, if the Certificate of Registration (CoR) holder removes
the aircraft from service, an actual acquittal date has no
relevance. The requirement to perform the maintenance before
further flight remains.

Code B is a direction under CAR 38(1) to have defects or damaged
assessed and rectified as necessary. The Code B direction is used
to bring a defect or damage to the attention of the CoR holder, the
pilot or operator where:

- The inspector considers the defect or damage to be minor,

- The inspection carried out on the aircraft does not enable proper
determination if the defect or damage is major. In which case the C
of R holder, the pilot or operator is responsible to have an
assessment carried out to determine the true nature of the defect
or damage, and have appropriate rectification carried out. While
the assessment needs to be done prior to further flight, the
rectification might not be accomplished for some time in the
future, where, for instance, the defect is minor and falls within
the provision of Permissible Unserviceabilities.

Code C is used to give the C of R holder formal notification of a
non-compliance with a requirement or condition imposed under the
regulations and is judged, on the basis of the inspection, not to
have an immediate adverse effect on safety. However, the matter is
required to be assessed and rectified at the earliest

As can be seen from the above discussion, it is often the case that
an acquittal date cannot practically be imposed at the time of
issue of the ASR. However, CASA is currently reviewing the ASR
process to see how that process might be more closely

ATSB Response

ATSB Note: CASA has revised it's Aircraft Survey Report- ASSP
604 form to include a return portion with corrective action related
to the noted discrepancy.