The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that
Airservices Australia introduce Team Resource Management Concepts
as part of Electrical Technical officer initial and recurrent
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that
Airservices Australia introduce Team Resource Management Concepts
as part of Electrical Technical officer initial and recurrent
Preliminary examination of electrical maintenance activity has
identified only 2 Airways Engineering Instructions (AEI), 3.4053
and 3.3301, where 2 people are needed to carry out the tasks. This
is for other than Occupational Health and Safety or electrical
safety considerations.
The simple nature of the tasks is such that Team Resource
Management is considered inappropriate. However, there may be a
management need in these situations for coordination of actions
prior to commencement of the task.
Airservices proposes to amend the AEI to include this requirement.
The AEI check list will also be amended to record the completion of
the activity.
The letter contained three proposed recommendations to ASTM.
These recommendations were discussed at the Subcommittee J meeting
on December 6, 2000. Subcommittee J agreed to the following
replies, which use the same numbers as the original ATSB
ATSB recommended a description of the limitations of applicability
of ASTM D 910 in the scope of the standard. Subcommittee J on
Aviation Fuels agrees with your recommendation and will rework the
limitations of applicability. The Subcommittee expects to take the
opportunity to revise the present scope and, quite likely, will add
a new section on significance and use, which takes the ATSB
recommendation into account.
Based on the above response you can see that the ATSB
recommendations are receiving serious consideration in ASTM and I
expect Subcommittee J will keep you advised of progress. In that
connection I would recommend that an ATSB representative become an
official non-voting member of the Subcommittee, so that such an
individual would automatically receive all issued documents.
A task analysis was completed in June 2000. Recommendations
deriving from that analysis cover procedures, Techcert, training
and impact on ATM:
a. Procedures. That the TAAATS Power system manager consider
modifying AEI-3.4090 and 3.4091 to a format similar to AEI 3.4088
and all new switching AEls follow that same format.
b. TechCert. The ISS Technical Support Manager consider the
inclusion of prerequisite training in the competency criteria of
ISS: F061-Power Systems - Sydney TAAATS. The ISS Technical Support
Manager also review the need for TechCert assessment on small
network based systems such as MDPDS and CATIS.
c. Training. That the Sydney Maintenance Services Manager consider
re-familiarisation training for staff who have limited exposure to
complex systems and also evaluate the requirement to conduct
overview training for Sydney Services staff on other NAS systems
that interact with systems maintained by them, ie VSCMS and
d. Impact of maintenance activities on ATM. That the Sydney
Maintenance Services Manager consider awareness training for MS
staff on the consequences for ATC in the event of single, or
multiple, NAS facility outages.
Completion of the above actions is scheduled for 30/12/2001
ATSB Note: The above actions were completed by 22 March 2002.