AusSAR staff already conduct "operational development" visits to
various organisations relevant to search and rescue (SAR)
operations. These include visits to State Police, TAAATS Centres,
Helicopter and Fixed Wing operators, and those industry segments
that often require SAR services.
In particular, liaison arrangements with Defence Headquarters, and
92 Wing (P-3C Orion) and 87 Wing (CA 30 Hercules) Headquarters have
been intensified consistent with this recommendation. A P-3C
deployed to Canberra in late 1999 and another visit is planned for
mid-2000. Two AusSAR officers have deployed overseas recently with
a Hercules flight.
Arrangements are in place for Air and Maritime Headquarters to
update information on the communications, navigation and
surveillance capabilities of military assets that may be used for
search and rescue.
Additionally, an AusSAR internal exchange program has been running
since mid-1999 to increase the opportunities for Rescue
Coordination Centre staff to train with aviation Civil Search and
Rescue Units.
It is considered that the intent of this recommendation has been