I am writing in response to the BASI report on the Investigation of Systemic Safety Issues at Sydney Airport.
The attached response provides details on Airservices ongoing actions to address the recommendations. Airservices is working closely with CASA to resolve the issues of mutual concern.
I must stress that this process is being approached with caution and planning to ensure minimal disruption to the safe and efficient operations of Sydney Airport.
Airservices will provide you with further reports on progress in due course.
R 980159 Airservices Australia reassess the human factors analysis for both Stage One and Stage Two of the LTOP Safety Cases so that the mitigating strategies applied to identified hazards adequately allows for the fundamental limitations of human performance. In reassessing this hazard analysis, BAS1 recommends that Airservices Australia seek the assistance of human performance expertise.
The LTOP Stage One and Stage Two Safety Cases have been subject to review by independent experts in the field as well as being the subject of a number of post implementation reviews. Recommendations arising from those review have been progressively evaluated and applied as appropriate.
Airservices will consider augmenting its review processes with human factors expertise in future.