The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation recommends that the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority:
Review the minimum standards for the quality of information
provided in FMC data bases with the aim of eliminating FMC data
base errors.
See report `Advanced Technology Aircraft Safety Survey'
The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation recommends that the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority:
Review the minimum standards for the quality of information
provided in FMC data bases with the aim of eliminating FMC data
base errors.
Before responding to specific recommendations, the following
general comments are offered.
As a result of the survey, BASI has made numerous recommendations
to airlines and aircraft design authorities as well as CASA and
Airservices. Some seem to be rather utopian, in that they may be
beyond current capabilities in automation. Nevertheless, it is
important that perceived deficiencies are documented and that the
various agencies concerned are alerted.
As far as the recommendations made to CASA are concerned, I am
difficulty as to CASA's ability to come to terms with some of the
fundamental problems identified. One of the drawbacks of CASA's
move more towards an auditing function is a lessening of the
intimate knowledge that we previously had of particular operators.
Further, as the CASA legislative framework moves towards less
prescriptive legislation, it may be more difficult to manage to the
degree suggested in some of the BASI identified issues. The content
of simulator exercises along with the detailed qualifications and
recency of instructors are examples.
Recommendation R980030 "The Civil Aviation Safety Authority review
the minimum standards for the quality of information provided in
FMC data bases with the aim of eliminating. FIVIC data base
CASA shares BASI's concern at errors in FMC data bases. However,
since the industry standard is based on an ARINC Specification,
there is little scope for changes to data format. As to data
accuracy, we will pursue this matter further, noting that there is
little point in mandating a standard which cannot be effectively
policed. Since the provision of data bases is invariably contracted
by the airline, it may be appropriate for CASA to specify that
agreements between operator and service provider be part of the
operator's approved quality assurance program, and therefore
subject to regular CASA audit.
The Authority undertakes to keep BASI informed of progress.