Output Number
Approval Date
National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority
Published Date Time
Recommendation type
Date released

NOPSA does not undertake the audits necessary for maritime compliance and AMSA is only able to do so for most of the time, while the facility is on station, with NOPSA's cooperation under an MoU. NOPSA had carried out annual occupational health and safety inspections on board Karratha Spirit and AMSA had carried out the necessary third party audits of the SMS to meet its certification requirements. However, none of these audits or inspections had identified the discrepancy between the mooring hawser procedures and actual shipboard practices or that the ship's internal review processes had not identified the discrepancy.

Action taken by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority

In response to the ATSB draft report, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority advised the ATSB that with regards to the Safety Advisory Notice:
The Safety Authority has sought ongoing support from AMSA in the provision of marine surveyors to assist the Safety Authority in its inspection of facilities (that can become vessels upon exiting the offshore petroleum regime). AMSA have confirmed its ongoing willingness to assist. The Authority has reviewed and is using its 'sail-away preparedness' and 'cyclone response preparedness' checklists in inspections of selected facilities.
The Authority has increased its target frequency for inspections of normally occupied facilities (including FPSOs and FSOs) from once a year to twice a year, and is actively addressing the consequential requirement for additional OHS Inspectors.

ATSB safety advisory notice

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau advises that the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) should consider the safety implications of this safety issue and undertake further action where considered appropriate.