Investigation number
Occurrence date
Fua'amotu International Airport, Tonga
Report status
Investigation type
Accredited Representative
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Runway excursion
Anticipated completion

The Tonga Civil Aviation Division (TCAD) is investigating a loss of control during taxi, and a subsequent ground collision involving a SAAB 340B, registered A3-PUA, at Fua'amotu International Airport, Tonga, on 8 December 2023. The TCAD has requested assistance and the appointment of an accredited representative from the ATSB.

To facilitate this support and to provide the appropriate protections for the information, the ATSB appointed an accredited representative in accordance with paragraph 5.23 of the International Civil Aviation Organization Annex 13 and commenced an investigation under the Australian Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003.

On 5 April 2024, the Chief Investigator (CI)-TCAD released their Preliminary report into this accident.

Any enquiries relating to the investigation should be directed to the TCAD.

To date, the CI and ATSB have:
•    interviewed the flight crew and maintenance personnel
•    examined the aircraft
•    reviewed the aircraft technical and flight logs
•    downloaded the CVR.

The investigation is continuing and will include further review and examination of:
•    the recorded CVR data
•    the aircraft electrical system for the FDR
•    aircraft maintenance documentation
•    flight crew training records and procedures.

A final report will be released at the conclusion of the investigation. Should a critical safety issue be identified during the course of the investigation, the CI will immediately notify relevant parties so appropriate and timely safety action can be taken.

Last Updated