Investigation number
Occurrence date
off Port Kembla
New South Wales
Report release date
Report status
Investigation level
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation phase
Final report: External review
Investigation status
Occurrence class
Highest injury level
Anticipated completion

The ATSB investigation of the propulsion failure of the bulk carrier Portland Bay off Port Kembla, New South Wales, on 4 July 2022, is in the ‘final report – external review’ phase.

On 13 January 2025, following extensive reviews of the draft investigation report by ATSB management and its Commission, the report was provided to directly involved parties (DIPs) to the investigation to allow them the opportunity to check and comment on the report’s factual accuracy and to ensure natural justice. DIPs are individuals or organisations that were directly involved with the incident, had a capability to influence the circumstances of the incident, or may be affected by the outcomes of the investigation.    

The 120-page draft report was provided to DIPs under Section 26(1)(a) of theTransport Safety Investigation Act 2003. Under Section 26, the draft report may only be shared or disclosed for the purposes of taking safety action or providing comment to the ATSB, and recipients of the draft report are subject to strict confidentiality requirements.

The DIPs were requested to provide any comments on the report and to present evidence in support of their comments to the ATSB by 12 February 2025.Their responses will be reviewed, and where they may introduce new evidence, the report will be amended accordingly prior to publication. 

Once the investigation report is finalised, it will go through another extensive review process by ATSB management and its Commission before being approved by the Commission for public release.

The final report will be released at the conclusion of the investigation. Should a critical safety issue be identified during the course of the investigation, the ATSB will immediately notify relevant parties, so that appropriate safety action can be taken.

Last Updated
Vessel Details
Departure point
Port Kembla, New South Wales
Port Kembla, New South Wales
Vessel name
Portland Bay
Marine vehicle sector
Bulk carrier
Hong Kong
Marine Operation Category
Dry bulk carrier
Vessel Operator