Investigation number
Occurrence date
Sydney, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence type
Fuel - Other
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

Airservices Australia

As a result of this occurrence, on 26 November 2004 Airservices
advised the ATSB that a review of the AIP and MATS will be
conducted. This review will ensure that, when a RVR is quoted in
the aerodrome information provided by the controller or detailed in
the ATIS, the RVR clearly relates to the runway touchdown zone
quoted in the information. Airservices will also incorporate the
events of the occurrence into a refresher training module to be
used by staff at towers with low visibility operations

As a result of Airservices? advice of this proposed safety
action, the ATSB will continue to monitor its progress until
evidence is received of the implementation of the proposed

Bureau of Meteorology

The BoM advised that the occurrence was reviewed at a Fog
Workshop on 13 July 2004, which resulted in the establishment of
the ?Fog Forecasting at Sydney Airport? project. The aim of the
project is to review the existing forecasting methodologies and
guidance material used to predict fog at Sydney aerodrome. The BoM
intends to use the results from the review and subsequent real-time
testing to implement a structured set of objective guidelines that
are intended to improve the accuracy of fog forecasting at Sydney

The project is a joint undertaking by staff from the Bureau?s
Sydney Airport Meteorological Unit and the Bureau of Meteorology
Research Centre, in collaboration with researchers at Monash and
Macquarie Universities. The project team members are currently
constructing an expanded climatological database for Sydney
aerodrome and reviewing the predictors for fog. The planned
completion date for the project is December 2005.


The aircraft operator advised that staff from its safety
department gave a presentation to controllers at the Sydney
Terminal Control Unit (TCU) on 15 April 2005. The presentation
provided an explanation of the operational aspects of the
occurrence to ATC from an operator and flight crew perspective. The
operator also advised that the same presentation was given at the
Air Traffic Service/Airline Forum held on 20 April 2005. The
operator plans to give the presentation to Brisbane and Melbourne
TCU controllers later in 2005.

The operator also advised that an article describing the
occurrence will be published during 2005 in a newsletter
distributed to flight crew.

As a result of this advice of proposed safety actions by the
operator, the ATSB will continue to monitor its progress until
evidence is received of the implementation of the proposed

Related Documents: | Media Release |

Aircraft Details
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Perth, WA
Departure time
0233 hours EST
Sydney, NSW