Investigation number
Occurrence date
Narita Airport, Japan
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

Aircraft operator

As a result of this occurrence, the aircraft operator reported
that the task cards for the job were amended and that they now
require that the wiring looms and other components in the area of
the stowage bins are to be inspected to ensure adequate clearance
from the bins and the structure.

Aircraft manufacturer

During the comment period for the draft report, the aircraft
manufacturer was requested to review the installation procedures
for 747 overhead bins, to assess the benefit of including a
requirement to ensure adequate clearance between the stowage bins
and any adjacent structure, wiring looms and other components.

The aircraft manufacturer responded to the draft report and

Based on this incident, our Service Engineering and Maintenance
Manual departments reviewed the need for an inspection note for
wire bundles when installing the overhead stowage bins. The results
of that review were as follows:

  • As stated in the draft report, the current Boeing task cards do
    not provide instructions on how to manage wire bundles upon
    re-installation of the stow bins. Instead, wire separation
    information including minimum clearance requirements for wire
    bundles is provided to operators in section 20-10-11 of Boeing
    Standard Wiring Practices Manual (DC-54446). Thus, the wire
    separation requirement is already documented to the maintainer,
    just not on the specific task card.

  • We depend on the maintainer to possess the necessary minimum
    skills to return the airplane to a serviceable condition. As such,
    a maintainer installing stow bins should already be aware of
    minimum wire bundle clearance requirements. Thus, we believe that
    the existing maintenance documentation, along with standard
    practices expected of the maintainer, already addresses this

  • We searched our service history records and could not find any
    other occurrences of this issue. Thus, the 30+ years of service
    history we have on the 747 fleet shows that this has not been a
    problem with the in-service fleet.

As a result, we do not feel it is necessary to amend the stow
bin installation task cards to include a requirement for inspection
of wire bundle clearances. Of course, each operator could include
such a requirement at their discretion.

1 The
'C' zone is the zone on the main deck between the main cabin doors
2 and 3.

2 The 'D'
check is the most intensive maintenance check on an

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Narita, JAPAN
Sydney, NSW