Investigation number
Occurrence date
Canberra, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence type
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

As a result of this occurrence, the following safety actions
were initiated:

The operator of Canberra International Airport requested
Airservices Australia to include a caution note in Canberra
aerodrome information contained in the ERSA, as follows:

`During strong westerly winds down stream of buildings, severe
turbulence may be experienced in the touch down area while landing
Runway 35.'

The operator also requested Airservices Australia to issue a
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) to reflect that cautionary advice until
the ERSA was amended, and to give consideration to making:

`…necessary caution announcements on the ATIS during similar
strong wind conditions.'

Airservices Australia issued a local instruction to air traffic
controllers at Canberra Tower. The instruction contained
information that when the crosswind component (including gusts)
from the west equals or exceeds 12 kts and runway 35 or 17 is
nominated, the following shall be included on the ATIS:

`Expect turbulence over runway south of runway

The instruction included information that controllers were to
make a directed broadcast to aircraft operating on runway 35, or
departing runway 17, when this crosswind condition exists and
runway 35 or 17 were not nominated on the ATIS.

Airservices reported that it did not consider the issue of a
NOTAM providing cautionary advice of turbulence was warranted, as
directed broadcasts would provide pilots with information of the
meteorological phenomenon.

Airservices Australia also reported that it would conduct a
survey of the turbulence phenomenon until 1 July 2003 to determine
the extent of the condition, including:

a. occasions when the westerly crosswind component, including
gusts, equals or exceeds 12 kts,

b. pilot reports of turbulence / shear at touch down or
take-off, including aircraft type,

c. pilot comments, and

d. pilot reports of turbulence when the crosswind is less than
12 kts.

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Melbourne, VIC
Departure time
1615 hours ESuT
Canberra, ACT