Investigation number
Occurrence date
2 km W Bungendore
New South Wales
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Collision with terrain
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The pilot of the Cessna 182B Skylane (C182), with one passenger on board, departed Leongatha aerodrome in Victoria at about 1530 Eastern Standard Time (EST). The pilot planned the private flight in accordance with the visual flight rules to track coastal to Moruya and then via the Araluen Valley to 'Turalla', a private property located approximately 3 km northwest of Bungendore, NSW. The aircraft carried sufficient fuel for the flight.

Witnesses reported that, at about 1755, the aircraft overflew a property belonging to a relative of the pilot 3 km to the southeast of Bungendore, at about 500 ft AGL. That relative had been nominated as the responsible person to hold and cancel the nominated SARTIME of 1820. The aircraft was then observed to track west towards the Kings Highway, at a low level, and make a right turn to join a wide left base for the grass airstrip located at 'Turalla'. The airstrip was aligned approximately 305 degrees M. The aircraft was observed to turn left onto final approach at about 50-80 ft AGL. Witnesses reported that all turns were made using about 45 degrees angle of bank. Witnesses also observed the aircraft to be buffeted by gusting winds.

The weather at the time was reported by witnesses to be clear conditions with some upper level cloud. Winds were strong and blustery, from the west and northwest. A Bureau of Meteorology assessment of the weather indicated gusty north-westerly winds backing to the west after the passage of a front, which had occurred earlier in the day. The general wind structure lent itself to at least moderate turbulence and the strong possibility of lee waves and strong downslope winds.

While on short final, the aircraft was observed to make a steep climb towards a downwind position, turning to the right using 60-80 degrees angle of bank. It was then observed to lose altitude rapidly. It turned through about 295 degrees before impacting the ground approximately 300 m east-north-east of the airstrip threshold. The aircraft struck the ground at a 60-80 degree nose down, left wing low, attitude on a heading of about 240 degrees M. The aircraft was destroyed by impact forces and post-impact fire.

Aircraft Details
Cessna Aircraft Company
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Leongatha, VIC
Departure time
1530 hours EST
Turalla, NSW