Investigation number
Occurrence date
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The co-pilot of a Boeing 737-800 (B737) en route from Perth to Brisbane on air route T91 reported maintaining flight level (FL) 390. He later reported maintaining FL370 at APOMA, located 140 NM north-northeast of Broken Hill, at 0501 EST. The Bourke sector controller in the Melbourne Air Traffic Control Centre requested the co-pilot to confirm the aircraft's level. The co-pilot replied that the aircraft was at FL370. A Boeing 747 (B747) maintaining FL370 was on a crossing route and estimated APOMA at 0503, two minutes after the B737. To be separated, aircraft at the same level on intersecting tracks required 15 minutes between their respective intersection estimates. The controller issued traffic information to the co-pilot of the B737 and to the crew of the B747.

At a subsequent position report the pilot in command (PIC) of the B737 overheard the co-pilot report the aircraft's level as FL370 and corrected the error. Later analysis of the flight data recorder of the B737 confirmed that the aircraft had maintained FL390. There was no infringement of separation standards.

The B737 operator had an approved procedure for the `controlled rest' of flight crew members while remaining on the flight deck. Controlled rest was recognised by the operator as `an effective method of improving levels of crew alertness for critical phases of flight'. There were a number of guidelines concerning the use of the procedure, including:

  1. It was not to be used on sectors of less than two hours duration.
  2. It was only to be used during the cruise phase of flight.
  3. Periods of controlled rest were not to exceed 30 minutes per crew member per sector.
  4. An additional 10 minutes was required after the period of controlled rest before a crew member resumed flight deck duties.

At 0213, the B737 departed Perth and was climbed initially to FL370. The flight plan advised an intention to change level to FL390 by BEZZA, a position about 340 NM west of Leigh Creek. At about 0405, the co-pilot requested and was approved by the PIC to take a controlled rest. At 0416, the PIC requested and was approved by the Melbourne Centre controller for the aircraft to climb to FL390. At 0421, the PIC reported maintaining FL390 to the Melbourne Centre controller. At about 0440, the co-pilot ceased the controlled rest and was briefed by the PIC in the next five minutes before assuming control of the aircraft. The briefing included the level of the aircraft. The PIC then commenced a period of controlled rest until about 0520. On initial contact with the Bourke sector controller at 0458, the co-pilot reported that the aircraft was maintaining FL390.

The roster for the 48-hour period preceding the incident required the crew to commence work at about 1900 two days before the incident and to operate a flight from Brisbane to Perth, arriving in Perth at approximately 0120. They spent the remainder of that day at their leisure prior to departing Perth for Brisbane on the incident flight at 0213 the following morning. That departure time required the crew to report for duty at approximately 0100.

On the morning of the Brisbane to Perth flight the co-pilot awoke at 0530 and had a 30-minute nap during that day. The co-pilot slept for approximately 6.5 hours after arriving in Perth, had a 90-minute nap late that afternoon and 30 minutes of controlled rest during the flight to Brisbane. Those periods of sleep accumulated to about nine hours during the 48-hour period. The co-pilot later reported that he felt rested prior to commencing the Perth to Brisbane flight.

Fatigue is recognised as a primary cause of transport accidents throughout the world as a result of reduced or impaired mental and/or physical performance following inadequate rest.

One component of fatigue relevant to the transport industry is sleep inertia. That phenomenon refers to the period of mental dullness or sluggishness immediately after awakening. During a period of sleep inertia people demonstrate the outward signs of being awake but are not mentally awake. Research suggests that it may take approximately 30 minutes after awakening for the effects of sleep inertia to fully dissipate.

The co-pilot was newly rated on the B737-800 and reported that he had found scanning the altitude indicator in that aircraft series took longer and required additional conscious effort. The co-pilot reported that when providing the aircraft's level, in response to the Bourke sector controller's query, he had relied on his memory of the information in the position report rather than re-checking the altitude indicator on the flight instrument display.

The Bourke sector controller twice requested confirmation of the flight level from the co-pilot of the B737 and was advised on both occasions that the level was FL370. At that stage, the controller passed traffic information to the co-pilot about the B747 at FL370 on the crossing route. The controller also passed traffic information on the B737 to the pilot of the B747. The co-pilot of the B737 later reported that at that time he was unsure why the controller had issued the traffic information as he could see the B747 displayed on the B737's Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) behind and 2,000 ft below his aircraft.

The Manual of Air Traffic Services (MATS) section covering safety alerts (Section 5.1.13) included the following:

'A safety alert shall be issued to an aircraft when a controller is aware the aircraft is in a situation which is considered to place it in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft. The controller must remain vigilant for the development of such situations and issue a safety alert when the situation is recognised.

Conditions such as workload, traffic volume, the quality/limitations of the radar system, and the available lead time to react are factors in determining whether it is reasonable for the controller to observe and recognise such situations.

The issuance of a safety alert is a first priority.

When a controller is aware that an aircraft is in unsafe proximity to another aircraft, a safety alert shall be issued as follows:

"(Callsign) TRAFFIC ALERT (position of traffic if time permits), [SUGGEST] TURN LEFT / RIGHT (specific heading, if appropriate), and / or [SUGGEST] CLIMB / DESCEND (specific altitude if appropriate), IMMEDIATELY".

When a safety alert is directed to traffic not receiving a separation service, advice to turn or change level shall be prefixed with the word SUGGEST'.

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Perth, WA
Departure time
0213 hours EST
Brisbane, QLD