Investigation number
Occurrence date
Sydney, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Occurrence category
Serious Incident
Highest injury level

Local safety action

As a result of their investigation into the incident, the
operator implemented the following changes:

1. Introduced new task cards into all Heavy Maintenance B767
major check packs that require the routine deactivation of all door
slides at the start of every check and the return to normal
configuration on completion.

2. Amended independent inspection requirements to clearly indicate
that all parts of the appropriate maintenance manual slide
installation task are included.

3. Amended the section of the Flight Readiness Schedule to include
door slides for correct flight configuration (girt bar and
inflation cylinder regulator safety pin correctly located).

4. Commenced implementing mandatory attendance of the company's
Human Factors/Error and Maintenance Resource Management program for
all staff.

In addition to these changes, the operator has initiated or
completed the following actions related to this occurrence:

1. Reviewed the practice of Senior LAMEs raising
discrepancy/supplementary cards for work that has not been
performed or supervised by them personally. Additionally, a study
is in progress to attempt to identify possible improvements in
documentation procedures to include staged signoffs of work

2. Reviewed the supervision level for apprentices and AMEs working
on B767 aircraft during Heavy Maintenance checks and briefed staff
on the need for focused supervision of less experienced

3. Notified all Heavy Maintenance staff of the requirement to
accurately record all maintenance actions performed, using the
appropriate document.


As a result of this investigation, and occurrence investigation
number 200101866, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau has
identified a safety deficiency related to Boeing jet aircraft cabin
door escape slide maintenance documentation. The ATSB therefore
issues the following recommendation.


The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority conduct a review of maintenance
documentation for the Australian Boeing jet aircraft fleet to
ensure completeness of cabin door escape slide deactivation and
reactivation maintenance procedures.

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Melbourne, VIC
Departure time
0700 hours EST
Sydney, NSW