Investigation number
Occurrence date
Canberra, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

Early in the take-off run, the handling pilot of the BAe 146
heard a slight noise, followed by a loss of RPM and power on the
number 2 engine. The pilot stopped the take-off at approximately 60
kts and returned the aircraft to the gate. The crew of another
aircraft waiting at the runway holding point, reported seeing
flames in the number 2 engine jet pipe.

An engine examination by the aircraft operator revealed that the
engine fan assembly was not rotating. The operator removed the
engine and forwarded it to the manufacturer in the USA for
examination and repair. The Australian Transport Safety Board
requested the National Transportation Safety Board of the USA to
supervise the examination and provide a report to the Bureau.

The examination revealed that extensive damage to the engine had
resulted from two first stage turbine blades separating, due to
fatigue cracks emanating from the blade trailing edges near the
blade platform.

The engine manufacturer advised that they had developed a
corrective action for fatigue failure of first stage turbine
blades, as contained in Service Bulletin ALF/FL 502/507 72-1043 of
11 January 1999, and revised on 3 September 1999. The manufacturer
recommended that the service bulletin be complied with at the next
access to the affected parts.

The first stage turbine was last accessible in February 1999,
during a hot section inspection carried out by the engine
manufacturer. There is no record indicating that the service
bulletin was complied with at that time. The manufacturer offered
no explanation for not incorporating the service bulletin.

Aircraft Details
British Aerospace PLC
BAe 146
Serial number
E 1152
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Canberra ACT
Departure time
0950 EST
Brisbane Qld