Investigation number
Occurrence date
93 km SSE Mackay, (VOR)
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Loss of separation
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

Local safety action

One of the operators involved in the occurrence issued a safety
article to crews notifying the limitations in the use of pilot
sight and follow procedure and reminding them to carefully consider
the situation prior to participating in the application of visual

Australian Transport Safety Bureau safety action

Following the review of a number of occurrences in which the use
of visual separation criteria was investigated, there was
insufficient evidence to support a recommendation. However, there
were a number of concerns in relation to the guidance, for the use
of visual separation procedures, provided to flight crew.
Consequently, the following was sent to the Civil Aviation Safety
Authority (CASA) on 27 October 1999:

"Subject: Aeronautical Information Publication Guidance for
Operations within CTA and GAAP Aerodrome CTRs The AIP ENR 1.1 - 32
paragraph 2 1. 1.1 details a pilot's responsibilities in relation
to operations in GAAP control zones including a requirement to:

"advise ATC if unable to sight, or if sight lost of, other
aircraft notified as traffic." The AIP ENR 1.3 - 2 paragraph 3.2.1
details the requirements for the provision of separation in
controlled airspace (excluding GAAP CTRs) and includes a special
provision of:

"under certain conditions, the pilot of one aircraft may be
given the responsibility for separation with other aircraft. In
this circumstance, the pilot is also responsible for the provision
of wake turbulence separation."

This latter entry would appear to be inconsistent with the GAAP
entry in that it does not provide any guidance or provisos which
require air traffic control to be advised by the pilot when they
have lost sight of a previously reported and sighted aircraft (or
one that they were following).

Any pilot requirements in relation to the application of visual
separation in the AIP should be consistent with the visual
separation criteria in the Airservices Australia Manual of Air
Traffic Services and should include:

  1. the requirement for pilots to advise air traffic control when
    they are unable to maintain sight of an aircraft, and
  2. the issue of traffic information to the pilot of an IFR
    aircraft that is subject to the application of visual

I therefore request that these aspects be considered for future
AIP amendments to ensure a consistent approach to the application
of visual separation, both inside and outside controlled airspace,
and between the AIP and the MATS."

CASA responded on 5 January 2000 and advised:

"I refer to your letter BS9710004 of 27 October 1999 in which
you requested that aspects of visual separation criteria contained
in MATS be considered for future amendment of AIP. In response to
your request, the following amendments will be incorporated in AIP
by the next amendment list. ENR 1.3 - 3 sub-paragraph 3.2.1 d. will
be amended to include:

  1. the requirement for pilots to advise ATC when they are unable
    to maintain, or have lost, sight of an aircraft, and
  2. the advice that, where an aircraft has been instructed to
    maintain separation from, but not follow, an IFR aircraft, ATC will
    issue traffic information to the pilot of the IFR aircraft
    including advice that responsibility for separation has been
    assigned to the other aircraft."

Aircraft Details
Fairchild Industries Inc
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport Low Capacity
Departure point
Brisbane, QLD
Mackay, QLD
Aircraft Details
Fairchild Industries Inc
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport Low Capacity
Departure point
Rockhampton, QLD
Mackay, QLD