Investigation number
Occurrence date
10 km NE Dubbo, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Near collision
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The crew of a Dash 8 reported on the mandatory broadcast zone
frequency that they were inbound to Dubbo, at a position 40 NM
south-east, and on descent from FL180. The only response to this
transmission was from the pilot of a Piper Cherokee who advised
that he was approximately 15 NM east of Dubbo at 4,000 ft and
inbound. Approaching 4,000 ft the crew of the Dash 8 requested the
position of the Cherokee. The pilot advised that he was now 8 NM
from Dubbo and descending to 2,400 ft. They then asked the pilot if
he was south of "the highway".

The pilot of the Cherokee confirmed that he was south of "the
highway". The crew of the Dash 8 indicated that they would remain
north of the highway and join a 5 NM final approach to runway 23,
and requested that he remain south.

When the crew subsequently reported that they were 5.5 NM from
Dubbo and about to turn final for a straight-in approach to Runway
23, they observed a Piper Cherokee pass from their right to left at
an estimated distance of 400 m and 200 ft below.

Weather conditions at the time were reported to be CAVOK.

"The highway" to which the crew was referring was the Mitchell
Highway that runs south-east from Dubbo to Wellington, almost
directly beneath their track. The pilot of the Cherokee, who held a
private licence, was undertaking a solo navigation exercise as part
of the training for upgrading to a commercial licence. He reported
that he was just north of his planned track from Gulgong to Dubbo.
When asked by the crew of the Dash 8 if he was south of the highway
he assumed that they were referring to the Dubbo to Dunedoo road,
aligned east-north-east from Dubbo and that he could see to his
north. He was not familiar with the Dubbo area and was not aware of
the existence of the Mitchell Highway although this road was
annotated as a highway on his Visual Navigation Chart.
Additionally, he thought that the Dash 8 would pass behind him and
join for a 5 NM final north of this road.

The use of a line feature to assure separation between aircraft
is an accepted and generally sound technique. However, the use of
the generic term "the highway" by the crew of the Dash 8 introduced
an ambiguity that neither the crew of the Dash 8 nor the pilot of
the Cherokee was aware of at the time. Specifying the road by name
or description should have removed this ambiguity.

Aircraft Details
De Havilland Canada
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport Low Capacity
Departure point
Sydney, NSW
Dubbo, NSW
Aircraft Details
Piper Aircraft Corp
Serial number
Operation type
Flying Training
Departure point
Bankstown, NSW
Dubbo, NSW