Investigation number
Occurrence date
Bindook, (VOR)
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Flight crew incapacitation
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

As a result of the Regional Airlines Safety Study, the Bureau of
Air Safety Investigation issued the following Interim
Recommendation to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority on 6 July

IR 19980098

"The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation recommends that the Civil
Aviation Safety Authority develop standards and implement
regulations which:

  1. require Australian airlines to develop industry-consistent
    cabin baggage control programs that will prevent passengers from
    bringing inappropriate cabin baggage onto aircraft; and
  2. ensure correct on-board stowage of approved cabin baggage. Such
    programs should be approved and monitored by CASA".

The following response was received from CASA on 6 August

"As acknowledged in the BASI document, the recommendation made
by the Cabin Safety and Carriage of Persons project team to adopt
the Canadian rule 705.42 for carry-on baggage is intended to be
implemented by CASA

A Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) is currently being
prepared in CASA's Regulatory Framework program office for
publication by September 1998. The proposed new rule for carry-on
baggage expands CAO 20.16.3, subsection 9, adopts Canadian rule
705.42 and similarly covers the requirements for FAR121/589, and
responds directly to the safety deficiency identified by BASI".

CASA Notice of Proposed Rule Making 9809RP, was subsequently
issued in November 1998. The NPRM proposal requires that every
operator establish a carry-on baggage program, acceptable to CASA,
that will ensure that baggage that cannot be correctly stowed is
prevented from carriage in the cabin, and once accepted as cabin
baggage, is correctly stowed (NPRM. 121.AK). The CASA NPRM process
is currently in progress.

Following discussions within CASA, and between CASA and the
operator, the operator has subsequently issued a company
requirement prohibiting the practice of securing cabin baggage on
passenger seats.

Aircraft Details
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport Low Capacity
Departure point
Canberra, ACT
Sydney, NSW