Investigation number
Occurrence date
Minlaton, (ALA)
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Collision with terrain
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

The aircraft was outbound from Adelaide on the first sector of a
daily bank run and was being operated at night under the Instrument
Flight Rules. The pilot reported that the township lights of
Minlaton were visible during the descent, and the runway lights
were clearly visible from a distance of about 12 NM. The pilot
joined the circuit on a downwind leg for runway 15 and said that
the runway lights were visible on both downwind and base legs.
Shortly after turning final, at a height of approximately 400 ft,
the pilot initiated a missed approach after losing sight of the
runway. The runway lights were visible as the aircraft passed
overhead the aerodrome, as were the lights of a motor vehicle
passing the southern end of the runway. The pilot elected to
attempt another approach for runway 15, with the option of landing
on runway 33, if the second approach was unsuccessful.

A second circuit was flown at about 800 ft, with the runway
lights remaining in sight on the downwind and base legs. Shortly
after turning final the aircraft entered patchy low cloud that was
obscuring the runway lights for brief periods. The pilot reported
that he was in the process of commencing a second missed approach
when he regained visual contact. He reduced power but again lost
contact. While searching for the runway lights he initiated a
missed approach but felt the main wheels touch down. He immediately
closed the throttles and allowed the aircraft to roll to a

The aircraft had touched down in a paddock approximately 800 m
before the runway threshold and had rolled normally on its landing
gear for about 600 m. However, the aircraft was substantially
damaged when it entered a lightly timbered area at moderate speed.
The pilot sustained minor injuries.

The Area 50 forecast prepared by the Bureau of Meteorology,
valid from 0130 to 1430 Central Standard Time, indicated that the
aircraft would be operating to the west of a trough moving through
the area. Isolated showers and drizzle, together with broken low
cloud on the coast and western slopes, were forecast until 1130.
Isolated fog patches were forecast until 1030.

The terminal area forecast (TAF) issued for Minlaton at 0434 for
the period 0530 to 1730, predicted a light south-westerly wind and
rain showers. Broken cloud cover was forecast at a height of 2,500
ft, with a few lower patches at 1,200 ft, together with a
visibility greater than 10 km. The forecasting officer preparing
the TAF considered the possibility of low stratus, fog or drizzle
affecting aircraft operations into Minlaton. However, each was
discounted on analysis of the synoptic situation and on other
available information. The Minlaton TAF was reviewed at 0600 but it
was considered that no amendment was required. The Bureau prepares
regular aerodrome forecasts for Minlaton, without the benefit of
local weather observations.

The pilot subsequently lost visual contact with the runway
lights at low altitude when the aircraft entered a localised area
of cloud or fog, at a height lower than forecast. The aircraft had
then inadvertently contacted the ground while the pilot was
initiating a missed approach.

Aircraft Details
Grumman American Aviation Corp
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Adelaide, SA
Departure time
0600 hours CST
Minlaton, SA