Investigation number
Occurrence date
Sydney Airport
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

In this occurrence, the crew of the aircraft was aware at the time of flight planning that a change in the direction and strength of the wind was expected before their arrival at Sydney. However, this change did not present problems for the crew at the flight planning stage, as the forecast conditions were still acceptable for a landing on runway 34L. During the flight, the changes in the wind direction and strength were still acceptable for the aircraft to use runway 34L until the change in wind velocity which was notified at 0426.

Until that time, the forecasts previously available to the crew contained errors of up to 70 degrees in wind direction. The only forecast which indicated a possibility that the wind would be southerly was the Sydney Airport Weather Briefing supplied to the operator on 14 October 1997.

The investigation was unable to determine why the crew did not act upon the change in wind information, or upon the implications of the resulting excessive downwind component for landing on runway 34L, before passing the DPA. By that stage little time remained in which to initiate a diversion to a suitable alternate airport. The crew did not request a diversion to Brisbane, and this, coupled with the ATC's delay in handling the aircraft after the DPA, eroded the time remaining in which a diversion was feasible.

At all times during the occurrence the aircraft had sufficient fuel to complete the flight to Sydney, and the aircraft landed with more than the minimum fuel reserves in accordance with company policy.

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity
Departure point
Departure time
2217 hours EST
Sydney, NSW