Investigation number
Occurrence date
Brisbane, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
Flight control systems
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

As a result of the investigation into this occurrence, the
Bureau of Air Safety Investigation issued the following Interim
Recommendation on 16 September 1997:


The Bureau of Air Safety Investigation recommends that Boeing
Commercial Airplane Group issue service information and appropriate
corrective action to applicable B747 operators requiring fleet
checks for:

  1. correct placement of aileron control cables on the cable drum
    located at WS776.98; and
  2. correct installation of aileron control position decals at
    WS767 and WS780".

Boeing response

The Boeing Commercial Airplane Group response, dated 13 November
1997 stated:

"The reference cover letter provided a copy of your
report of an incident involving a 747-300 airplane, Serial Number
23029. The report indicates that one of the left aileron cables was
broken during taxi prior to departure. The report stated that the
aileron cable failures may be due to misrouting which may occur as
a result of incorrectly installed markers. A check by the
Australian Bureau of Air Safety Investigation found eight airplanes
with incorrectly installed markers.

Your report recommended that Boeing initiate a fleet check for
proper placement of the aileron control cables at Wing Station (WS)
776.98 and correct installation of aileron cable markers at WS767
and 780.

It has not been determined whether the incorrect marker
installations occurred during or after manufacture. As a result of
these findings, we plan to issue a service bulletin to 747
operators recommending fleet checks of all 747 airplanes prior to
Line Position 1130, except Line Position 1122, for

  1. Correct routing of aileron control cables on the aileron cable
    drum located at wing station 777
  2. Correct installation and replacement as required, of aileron
    cable position markers at wing station 767 and wing station

Airplane Line Position 1130 was delivered in September 1997.
Airplane Line Position 1122 was checked at Boeing. A review of the
applicable engineering drawings shows that the marker installation
and cable installation drawings are correct, and have always been
correct. In addition, a check of airplanes in the factory and on
the flight line indicates that both the markers and cables are
currently being installed per drawing".

BASI response status: Closed - Accepted

Subsequent safety action

Boeing issued Service Bulletin 747-27-2367 (Flight controls -
aileron - aileron control cable inspection and control cable marker
inspection, replacement) on 25 June 1998.

As a result of the Bureau's interim recommendation, the US
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) conducted an
independent review of the circumstances of this occurrence and
subsequently issued recommendation A-98-6 to the US Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) on 3 February 1998. This
recommendation stated:

"The National Transportation Safety Board recommends
that the Federal Aviation Administration:

Issue an airworthiness directive to require operators of Boeing
747 airplanes, produced before production line number 1130, to
conduct a one-time inspection of the aileron control system to
ensure correct routing of the aileron control cables on the aileron
cable drum located at wing station (WS) 776.98 and correct
installation of aileron cable decals at WS767 and WS780 at the
earliest possible inspection interval".

Aircraft Details
The Boeing Company
Serial number
Operation type
Air Transport High Capacity