Investigation number
Occurrence date
Coonamble, Aero.
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence category
VFR into IMC
Occurrence class
Highest injury level

Personnel information

The pilot held a private pilot licence and a current medical
certificate. His total flying experience was about 1,595 hours, of
which about 19 were in the accident aircraft. He had flown 11 hours
in the previous 30 days and about 8.5 hours on the day of the

The pilot had obtained a NVFR rating in 1981 and a command
instrument rating (single engine) in 1986. The instrument rating
expired on 31 May 1997. There was no record that the pilot had
maintained the recency requirements for these ratings. His logbook
showed 305 hours of instrument flight time. However, it was not
possible to determine his experience in flying in instrument
meteorological conditions.

Meteorological information

The pilot obtained a weather forecast for the flight at about
midday on the day of the accident. This included the forecast for
the areas between Longreach and Dubbo and the terminal forecast for
Coonamble. The forecast was for 3 octas of strato-cumulus cloud at
3,500 ft and 6 octas of alto-stratus cloud at 12,000 ft. Low cloud
(base 800 ft) and drizzle were forecast for periods of less than 30
minutes between 1600 and midnight. Fog was not forecast for the
period associated with the flight.

A cold front, including a band of middle and low-level cloud and
associated rain, cleared the Coonamble area before 2100, leaving
the sky mostly clear of cloud. Fog quickly developed in these
conditions. An expected south-westerly change did not reach
Coonamble until 0330 the following morning. Post-analysis of the
synoptic situation indicated that the cloud cleared from the
Coonamble area much earlier than expected, but was followed by the
development of localised fog.

Aerodrome and approach information

Coonamble aerodrome is 604 ft above sea level. The 1,527 m
sealed runway 05/23 was fitted with edge lighting but not approach
lighting. A grass strip 12/30 intersected the western side of
runway 05/23.

The aerodrome was served by a non-directional beacon (NDB) radio
navigation aid located approximately 500 m to the north of the
runway 23 threshold. A published instrument approach procedure
using the NDB enabled aircraft to descend from 3,500 ft to 1,200 ft
above sea level on an inbound track of 200 degrees M. At 1,200 ft
an aircraft would have been 596 ft above the aerodrome elevation.
The inbound track for the approach was 200 degrees M. If unable to
see the runway when the aircraft was over the NDB at 1,200 ft, the
procedure required that the pilot maintain a track of 200 degrees
M, and climb to 3,500 ft.

Wreckage and impact information

The initial impact occurred about 120 m from the northwestern
end of the grass runway while the aircraft was tracking 178 degrees
M. Assuming an engine speed of 2,300 RPM, propeller slash marks at
the accident site equated to an aircraft groundspeed of about 145
kts. The aircraft was descending at an angle of 5 degrees and was
banked 32 degrees left. The landing gear and flaps were retracted.
The wreckage trail extended 200 m beyond the initial impact point.
The accident was not survivable.

No fault was found with the aircraft or its systems that may
have contributed to the accident. At previous periodic inspections,
the operational category of the aircraft had been downgraded from
IFR to VFR Day. The serviceability status of the flight instruments
at the time of the accident could not be established.

Aircraft Details
Piper Aircraft Corp
Serial number
Operation type
Departure point
Charleville, QLD
Departure time
1925 hours EST
Coonamble, NSW