Investigation number
Occurrence date
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence type
Runway excursion
Occurrence category

The airfield at which the aircraft was operating had a north/south strip, reported to be 800 metres long and an east/west strip, reported to be 1000 metres long. The wind was easterly at 10 to 15 kts. After despatching a load of parachutists, the pilot decided to land into the north. This involved using the shorter strip with a crosswind rather than landing on the longer strip into wind. He said he did this for two reasons. There was mechanical turbulence on short final approach for a landing into the east and after despatching the parachutists he was well positioned for a landing into the north. The north/south strip was more than long enough for landing. Approach was at 70 knots with 40 deg of flap. While on approach, the pilot noticed a parachutist just off the left side of, walking parallel to, and approximately one third of the way along, the strip he was approaching. He continued approach but on very short final the parachutist started to walk across the strip. The pilot revved the engine to get the attention of the parachutist but when the parachutist finally saw the aircraft approaching, instead of immediately clearing the strip, he ran down the strip away from the aircraft for 20 to 30 metres before moving clear. The pilot said he did not want to attempt a go-around because of powerlines off the end of the strip so he persisted with the landing, aiming to touch down just past the parachutist. The pilot said that after the initial touchdown, the aircraft bounced two or three times. Once on the ground, he applied full braking. The aircraft skidded, turned to the right and continued to skid out of control through a fence, finally coming to rest at the base of a tree.

Aircraft Details
Cessna Aircraft Company
Departure point
Bridgewater Vic
Bridgewater Vic