The student pilot had been authorised to carry out a period of solo revision in the training area. The Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) for departure from Bankstown was "Information India", wind 040/08, visibility 10 kilometres or greater, cloud 3 Octas strato-cumulus at 3000 feet. When reporting inbound to Bankstown, the pilot advised having copied "Information India" and was told to expect a straight in approach for runway 11 Left. Soon after, the ATIS was changed to "Juliet". The pilot reported that he checked the windsock at 300 feet on final but detected no indication of a crosswind component and continued the approach. The aircraft subsequently touched down heavily on the nosewheel, collapsing the nose landing gear. The change in the ATIS indicated an increase in the crosswind component from 8 kts or less to 12-16 kts. The accident was consistent with the pilot using an inappropriate landing technique for the prevailing conditions. The pilot said he was aware that the ATIS had changed but did not copy the amended information.