Investigation number
Occurrence date
Geelong Airport
Report release date
Report status
Investigation type
Occurrence Investigation
Investigation status
Aviation occurrence type
Loss of control
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

The solo student pilot was conducting left-hand circuits on runway 27 in a westerly wind of about 15 knots. When he transmitted his "base" call on VHF frequency 119.1, he neither heard nor saw another aircraft in the circuit. During the landing roll he realised he was on a collision course with a Piper PA28 which had landed on runway 36. He applied brakes and veered left while attempting to avoid a collision. At the runway intersection both aircraft missed each other by about one metre. After the near-miss the student applied full power for a go-around but his aircraft veered further left. As he attempted to steer back on to runway 27, the left side of the horizontal stabiliser struck the airfield boundary fence. The pilot of the Piper PA28 was conducting an Instrument Flight Rules flight via Avalon. The PA28 was equipped with only one VHF radio. The pilot said that while still in the Avalon control zone he called Geelong on 119.1 to advise his ETA. He said he was told the wind was westerly but could not recall being advised of traffic. He then returned to Avalon tower frequency. Geelong Airport personnel said the pilot was advised that the duty runway was runway 27 and that there was a Cessna 152 operating in the circuit. As 119.1 is not recorded it was not possible to check exactly what was said. Passing Avalon control zone boundary (approximately nine kilometres north of Geelong) the pilot selected the Melbourne area frequency 124.9 and remained on 124.9 for the arrival at Geelong. Flight Service advised of following traffic also destined for Geelong. The PA28 joined on downwind for a right circuit for runway 36. On the downwind leg, the pilot saw a Cessna to the left and about 400 feet below. He thought this aircraft was in transit whereas it was actually on the base leg for runway 27. He had no further sighting of the Cessna until established on the landing roll, at which time the PA28 passenger gave warning of a possible collision.

Reccomendations: It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority clarifies the practice of using 119.1, particularly at Authorised Landing Areas, and produces relevant documentation for pilots.

Aircraft Details
Cessna Aircraft Company
Serial number
Operation type
Flying Training
Departure point
Geelong Airport VIC
Departure time
Geelong Airport VIC