Attempts were made to obtain photographs of
VH-MJO with sharks in the background but these were unsuccessful. It was then decided that VH-KWN would
descend to 500 feet to photograph the school of sharks, while VH-MJO remained clear of the other aircraft.
The pilot of VH-KWN extended flap to 30 degrees and reduced speed from about 70 knots to 55-60
knots, using just sufficient engine power to maintain 500 feet altitude. Two left hand racecourse orbits were
flown around the sharks and, during the third orbit, while on a north-easterly heading, the pilot had a discussion
with the photographer regarding the positioning of the aircraft and then looked out to the right to check the
location of the other aircraft. As a further left turn was initiated the pilot looked at the aircraft instruments and
noticed that the altitude had decreased to 300 feet and that the airspeed was also low. The port wing dropped and
the stall warning was heard to operate. Despite the initial application of corrective aileron, and the subsequent
application of right rudder, forward stick and engine power, the aircraft lost height rapidly and struck the water
in a nose down, port wing low attitude.