On return to Bankstown from Taree, where the pilot and his passenger had flown earlier in the day, the pilot reported inbound over Parramatta at 1651 hours, 31 minutes before last light. He was cleared for a
straight in approach to the 18 strip in hazy conditions with the visibility reported as 5 miles. Five minutes
later the aircraft was observed on short final for the left side of the normally 630 feet wide strip, lined up
on an area 300 feet wide which was unserviceable due to aerodrome works. The area had been marked unserviceable
and a NOTAM had been issued which the pilot had seen. At a height of about 10 feet the aircraft
then banked steeply to the right towards the remaining 330 feet wide serviceable area and then made a flat
skidding turn to the left as the pilot attempted to line up for the landing. As the turn was almost completed
the aircraft stalled and fell heavily to the ground in a nose down attitude. The nosewheel was detached as
the aircraft bounced, then slid to rest 80 feet from the point of touch down. The aircraft dug its nose in
deeply, but after reaching a nearly vertical attitude, fell back on to its main undercarriage. During the
attempts by the pilot to align the aircraft with the landing area, one other aircraft took avoidance action.