The pilot planned a spraying run which involved crossing a ridge below a power line 37 feet above ground level
and passing between two trees 54 feet apart. It was necessary also to climb steeply to clear other trees situated
280 feet beyond the ridge. Having completed the run, the pilot realised that his attention had been so concentrated
on the obstructions that he was not confident that he had achieved full coverage and he therefore decided that
he should make another run across the ridge on a reciprocal track. Upon passing the trees on the approach in
this direction, a rapid loss of height was necessary to spray up the slope to the ridge and to ensure clearance
from the overhead wire. The pilot achieved correct spraying height when within 100 feet or so of the ridge
but was unable to simultaneously align the aircraft for the run and the right wing struck one of the trees. The
leading edge was extensively damaged and the pilot closed the throttle in an attempt to land ahead. However,
the aircraft entered an uncontrolled turn to the right and, after passing through the top of another tree, struck
the bank of a creek almost inverted and in a steep nose down attitude. Fire broke out on impact and, although
the pilot received a blow on the helmet which momentarily stunned him, he was able to evacuate the aircraft
and extinguish his burning clothes in a creek nearby.