The aircraft took off from Ballarat and arrived In the spraying area fifteen to twenty minutes later. The pilot
was familiar with the field, having sprayed it the previous day, and he commenced spraying on this occasion
with an east to west run on the southern side of a main power line which crosses the field. He made his second
run In the opposite direction, still on the southern side of the main power line, and then proceeded to spray a
four acre paddock a short distance away. On returning to the first field he made a spray run from east to west
on the northern side of the main power line. During this run he looked back to check the drift of the spray and
the aircraft struck a three wire spur power line running north from the main power line approximately half way
along the run. The flight of the aircraft was arrested and It struck the ground nose first and then fell to the
inverted position. A fire broke out and the pilot was assisted from the burning wreckage by two farmers.