REPCON number
Date reported
Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Concern summary
The concern related to the seat belts, on an aircraft belonging to a foreign airline, not being correctly installed.
Reporter's deidentified concern
The reporter expressed a safety concern regarding the security of the seat belts throughout the cabin of the Airbus A320. The reporter advised that numerous seat belts, throughout the cabin were incorrectly installed:
- a 180 degree twist was required to fit the two halves together,
- not installed in a uniform manner – in a chair assembly of 3 seats, the window seat had the seat belt buckle half installed to the passenger's left, while in the middle seat, the seat belt buckle half was attached to the passenger's right.
Named party's response
We have actioned a corrective action plan for the A320 fleet and have programmed that action to occur before the end of this week.
Regulator's response
CASA has reviewed the REPCON and is satisfied with the operator’s response.