REPCON number
Date reported
Published date
Affected operation/industry
Concern subject type
Concern summary

The concern related to an international flight, operated by a foreign carrier, where late arriving passengers were not seated with baggage secured before the aircraft began to taxi.

Reporter's deidentified concern

The reporter expressed a safety concern relating to passengers who were late to board the aircraft.

The reporter advised that a number of passengers boarded the flight after the main door was reopened to allow them entry. These passengers were still standing and trying to find space for their numerous bags when the aircraft began to taxi resulting in a safety concern for all passengers seated around them as they had bags placed in the aisle and the passengers were placing duty free shopping in over-head lockers as the aircraft was moving.

Named party's response

My team member cannot double check the details with the related crew since this is a confidential report. In this case we checked “CABIN ATTENDANT MANUAL” related the pages.

The cabin attendant in this case should not have closed the cabin door until it was confirmed that all carry-on luggage is stored reasonably, overhead bin closed, exit unobstructed and report to cabin manager/chief purser and then the purser will report to the Captain “CABIN IS READY”.  In this issue the cabin attendant and the purser didn’t follow the procedure correctly.

The procedures also specify what should be completed before taxi/push back and shows cabin attendant should have confirm that the passengers have taken their seats - a requirement which the related cabin attendant did not accomplish also.

We will inform the Cabin Attendant Department of this safety concern. Therefore they will issue a Safety Notice to all cabin attendants about the standard procedures which should be followed.

Regulator's response

CASA has reviewed the REPCON and is satisfied with the operator's response and action in issuing a Safety Notice to all cabin crew highlighting correct procedures.