Now in its fourth year, Rail R U OK Day is a collaboration between the TrackSAFE Foundation and R U OK? which encourages all rail staff to look out for one another during life's ups and downs by asking “Are you OK?” and really listening to the answer.

Rail staff play an important role in keeping the travelling public safe. Conducting work on or near a railway track can be dangerous and rail staff need to be fully focused on the work they are doing.

“There is a considerable momentum behind trains – they don’t stop quickly, so anyone working on track needs to have a clear mind with no distractions,” said Mr Hood. “Today’s Rail R U OK? Day is the perfect opportunity for you to discuss with your work mates any concerns or worries you might have. A breakdown in the communication or management of a worksite by someone when their mind is elsewhere could leave themselves and other workers vulnerable to hazardous situations.”

Visit for more information on the Rail R U Ok? campaign.

The national R U OK? Day will be held on 13 September where everyone will be encouraged to ask their family, friends and workmates “Are you ok?”

Find out about our ‘Safe work on rail’ initiative at SafetyWatch.

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