REPCON is a voluntary and confidential reporting scheme. REPCON allows any person who has a rail safety concern to report it to the ATSB confidentially. Protection of the reporter’s identity and any individual referred to in the report is a primary element of the scheme.
Personal information will not be disclosed. Only de-identified information will be used for safety action. You may be contacted for additional information.
The following matters are not reportable safety concerns and are not guaranteed confidentiality:
a) matters relating to a serious and imminent threat to a person’s health or life
b) terrorist acts
c) industrial relations matters
d) conduct that may constitute a serious crime.
NOTE 1: REPCON is not an alternative to the mandatory reporting requirements detailed in sections 18 and 19 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003.
NOTE 2: Submission of information known by the reporter to be false or misleading is a serious offence under section 137.1 of the Criminal Code. Aiding, abetting, counselling, procuring or urging the submission of false or misleading information is also a serious offence.