New confidential reporting regulations and the International Casualty Investigation Code
The ATSB is inviting comments on two proposed regulatory changes relating to:
- Confidential reporting of maritime safety concerns
- ATSB use of the International Maritime Organization's Casualty Investigation Code
Your comments are sought by Friday, 27 July 2012.
Confidential Reporting (REPCON)
New regulations will replace the existing maritime REPCON regulations creating a multi-modal confidential reporting scheme for the maritime, aviation and rail industries. A multi-modal scheme has the major benefit of allowing all three industries to learn from reports of safety concerns that contain transferable lessons.
Why we need mandatory and confidential reporting
Confidential reporting complements the mandatory reporting system managed by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. The information we get from both schemes helps us determine whether we need to investigate a safety concern, conduct research and identify trends of emerging hazards and risks. This gives us valuable insight into what needs to be done to improve the safety system. Ultimately, a report now can save lives and prevent injuries in the future.
The Casualty Investigation Code
The IMO's Casualty Investigation Code commenced in January 2010. The Code promotes high and consistent standards for maritime investigations around the world. While the ATSB already acts consistently with the Code, a regulatory amendment is proposed to formalise the ATSB's adherence to the Code.
Providing feedback
Links to the documents below provide further information about the proposed changes.
Consultation Paper
For a full overview of the proposed changes go to:
- Enhanced Maritime Confidential Reporting and the Casualty Investigation Code [
PDF: 905KB] [
DOC: 1700KB]
Attachment A: Draft Confidential Reporting Regulations
- Draft Regulations - Confidential Reporting Regulations [
PDF: 221KB]
- Explanatory Statement - Confidential Reporting Regulations [
PDF: 369KB] [
DOC: 995KB]
Attachment B: Casualty Investigation Code
- International Maritime Organization's Casualty Investigation Code [
PDF: 250KB]
You can email your response to: for comments on confidential reporting. for comments on the Casualty Investigation Code.
You can also post your comments to:
Reporting and Notifications
Australian Transport Safety Bureau
PO Box 967
Civic Square ACT 2608
If you have any questions or would like a hard copy of the consultation package, please call the manager of notifications and confidential reporting 1800 011 034.