Transport Safety Investigation (Voluntary and Confidential
Reporting Regulations) 2013 - REPCON

Voluntary and Confidential Reporting Scheme for Aviation,
Marine and Rail Transport

In September 2011 the ATSB sought public comment on a proposal
to establish a voluntary and confidential reporting scheme

The following documents were released by the

Confidential Reporting: Discussion Paper and
Explanatory Statement

Draft Regulations [PDFPDF:

The proposed Regulations sought to consolidate the existing
aviation and marine schemes while incorporating rail for the first
time. Rail was included consistent with the scope of reforms
proposed for the national rail safety system, including
establishing the ATSB as the national rail safety investigator.

The ATSB received a number of submissions from aviation,
maritime and rail stakeholders.  There was broad support for
the reforms and comment was largely focussed on:

  • The value of confidential reporting in safety information
  • The ATSB as the administrator of REPCON
  • How the ATSB can improve confidential reporting processes and

A summary of the submissions received and the ATSB's position on
the submissions is provided in the following document:


REPCON Submission Summary:

As a result of the issues raised in submissions the ATSB has
made some changes to the proposed Regulations. The ATSB is now
seeking further public comment on an Exposure Draft before the
regulations are finalised and made into law.  To obtain a copy
of the Exposure Draft and supporting explanatory material for
further information on making a submission please access the
following links: