Investigation number
Occurrence date
Not applicable
Report release date
Report status
Investigation level
Investigation type
Safety Issue Investigation
Investigation status
Occurrence category
Highest injury level

There were 52 fatalities throughout Australia as a result of
wirestrike accidents in the period 1994 to 2006. During that
period, there was an average of just under 11 reported wirestrike
accidents each year and the average number of fatalities was four
per annum.

Despite the application of risk strategies to mitigate the
consequences of a wirestrike, those consequences can often be
expected to be catastrophic. In that case, a large investment is
made by operators, pilots and other parties involved in low-level
operations to minimise the likelihood of a wirestrike. That
includes by ensuring awareness of all known low-level hazards,
including powerlines and tall structures, before commencing, and
during the conduct of low-level operations.

During a series of recent ATSB investigations into fatal and
other wirestrike accidents, a number of different sources of
information on the location of known powerlines and tall structures
was identified. However, despite the apparent utility and safety
benefits inherent in the availability to pilots, operators and
low-level campaign managers of a single source or database of the
location of known powerlines and tall structures, initial
discussions with aviation authorities on the potential development
of such a resource were non-productive.

However, Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) investigators
commenced initial discussions with Geoscience Australia (GA) and
the Energy Networks Association (ENA) to examine the feasibility of
the establishment of such a database. Those discussions determined
that GA was amenable to working with other relevant agencies in
order to promulgate that data for use by pilots and other parties.
ENA indicated that the proposal to establish a national database
would be considered as part of its 2008 priority issues.

The ATSB will advise of further developments in its discussions
with GA and ENA on its website at 6-monthly intervals.